Gifts of tangible or intangible non-cash contributions

Non-cash gifts are also called gifts in-kind, is a non-monetary contribution of personal property or professional services. Your PGTS representative can help you assess your financial situation and determine which giving options can care for your family while also providing the best benefit to the organization of your choice. Here is an overview of giving non-cash gifts and the methods that will likely be used.

Tangible non-cash gifts—these are gifts that have physical substance, you can touch, or hold. The following are examples of tangible gifts and the methods that would be used to gift them.

Tangible Non-cash Gifts Method
Precious metal or gems Gift of the item
Furniture Gift of the item
Jewelry Gift of the item
Plant and Machinery Gift of the item
Vehicles Gift of the item
Real Estate Gift of the item
Buildings Gift of the item
Equipment Gift of the item
Inventory Gift of the item
Computers Gift of the item
Livestock Gift of the item
Agricultural crops Gift of the item

Intangible non-cash gifts—are gifts that do not have physical substance but still represent value.  The following are examples of intangible gifts and the methods that would be used to gift them.

Intangible Non-cash Gifts Method
Patents License or assignment
License or Medallion Check issuer
Intellectual property License or assignment
Internet domain License or assignment
Logos License or assignment
Copyright License or assignment
Brand Value License or assignment
Self-developed software License or assignment
Trademarks License or assignment
Franchise Agreements Assign or transfer
Business Goodwill Sales or Assignment
Business methodologies License or assignment